The Impossible God

Just a few of the logical absurdities of the square triangular god of the incoherent christian bible.

Divine Innumeracy: 3 days = eternity?

P1: A just god does not allow unjust suffering.
P2: Jehovah is a just god.
P3: Jehovah’s penalty for sinning entails suffering eternal damnation.
P4: Jehovah’s just penalty for sinning entails suffering eternal damnation. (P1 – P3)
P5: Christ was made human to redeemed sinners by paying the just penalty for sinning.
P6: Christ experienced, at most, 3 days of damnation.
P7: 3 days of damnation is less than the just eternal damnation sinners must suffer.
P8: Christ did not pay the just penalty for sinning. (P5 – P7)
CONCLUSION: Christ did not redeem sinners. (P4 & P8)

It’s tiring to hear all the various incoherent reasons offered for the arbitrary 3 days of Christ’s death, a pseudo-substitution for the sinner which falls far short of any coherent definition of the “wages of sin”.

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4 Responses

  1. Andrew says:

    Of course I agree with you Phil, but you know someone’s going to say “Christ suffering != human suffering.”

    I think there’s many things that make God absurd, but this actually isn’t one of them.

  2. Here is just a fun illustration of the problem.

  3. Aunti Laura says:

    Perhaps when Jesus suffers, he suffers ‘harder’ than humans do.
    As the Son of G_d, he’s never really suffered before. sort of like when a CEO’s kid has trouble in real life because he had things handed to him on a silver platter.

    Because his suffering is worse than, say, a person who is raped and tortured in southeast asia or branded and murdered in a concentration camp or beaten and killed in America for having ‘non-biblical’ beliefs, Jesus’s suffering counts more than the average human. Allowing that his beating, torture and murder followed by some value (3 days or 30 hours, depending on how you measure time) in Hell is much worse than some 18 month old dying of cholera in Africa.
    Jesus, what a drama queen.

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Anyone may respond to the arguments with rigorous argumentation and evidence. No one may offer unfocused unsubstantiated affirmations of their beliefs. The assumptions in the posted arguments reflect mainstream Christian beliefs. If you have another view of the topic that you feel better reflects the mainstream position, provided that in the form of a syllogism.

Commenting Suggestions

1: Don't merely cite the Bible as proof that the absurdity stands. My simple citing of the affirmation of an alleged authority to substantiate my claim that I am in possession of a square triangle devalues the authority, highlights my credulity, and demonstrates a lack of commitment to rational thought.
2. Keep your comments condensed. Verbosity is not a virtue. Employ syllogisms if possible as these require rigorous definitions and argumentation.
3. Don't speculate on the character or motivation of the post's author. Address the argument.
4. Don't suggest that the christian concepts under-girding the premises are not common within Christianity.
5. Don't suggest that any particular argument on this site has already been given a rational answer at some point over the centuries without including that answer.
6. Keep your tone academic. This is not a site for preaching, rants or vitriol. The editors' responses will follow your tone.

Your Golden Square Triangle

This site does not waste time debating Christians over the logical possibility of miracles, the nature of the singularity, or the historicity of Jesus. If you argue that the square triangle in your pocket is made of gold, and produce genuine gold flakes as evidence, we still know with absolute certainty that you do not have a golden square triangle in your pocket.

If the biblical god is logically incoherent as this site argues, we can stop there. Enough of the silly games Christians play by diverting attention away from Jehovah's inherent absurdities and towards issues such as an incomplete evolutionary theory as if that will somehow redeem an incoherent Jehovah.